The Corner Shop
In this show, we invite you to join one of our five workshops titled ‘The Corner Shop’ as a critique on the global-local discourse in our neighbourhoods. Here, we challenge socio-economical norms by asking ‘What if the goods in corner shops were chosen by locals instead?’. With this provocation, workshop participants embark on a series of activities to make this a reality. Come as see what an alternative corner shop could look like, and bring a piece of it back home with you!
This workshop is part of a larger design research initiative, Ordinary Goods, that uses common everyday items as design probes to positively critique the state of our neighbourhoods. It is a locally-driven approach to placemaking in light of our increasingly homogenous cities, often resulting in displaced communities. Through these series of self-run workshops, we hope to inspire and provoke you to subvert the ordinary, activating your individual agency to make meaning and build new worlds through social dreaming.
A critique on the global-local discourse in our neighborhoods
Assemblage of goods from different localities, materialising everywhere and nowhere
Challenging contested civic narratives through collective mapping
Presented in conjunction with Word Matters (thesis) Symposium 2019
Research continues on instagram as a visual archive